Several years ago, OD 205 started the planning for the redevelopment of a site located in the early postwar Kruiskamp residential quarter, in the city of Amersfoort. The site borders the Amersfoort-Zwolle railway line, and was originally occupied by sports and recreational facilities. When these facilities were relocated to the fringe of the town, the area was designated to be redeveloped for housing.
An important part of the spatial plan is a new railway embankment, functioning as a noise barrier. A composition of terraced houses and apartment buildings is positioned on the slope of this embankment. The new neighbourhood totals 250 dwellings in several price categories. It is built up around a central park, which provides two children’s playgrounds. To guarantee the privacy of the adjacent dwellings, the park area is surrounded by water. The park links the new neigbourhood to the existing Kruiskamp quarter in both a spatial and functional way. The redevelopment of the area will be ready in the spring of 2009.