Burger Grunstra Consulting Architects has been shortlisted for the World Architecture Festival Awards. The awards are part of the World Architect Festival which takes place in Barcelona on 22-24 October.
Burger Grunstra competes in the ‘Health’ category with the design of the New Martini Hospital. The hospital in the Dutch city of Groningen was completed in August 2007. One of the most important features of this hospital is its flexibility. Modular partition walls for instance facilitate upgrades, making adaptations and changes to future needs easy to execute. Also protruding boxes can randomly be hung on the facade to create extra floor areas. The design also allows for maximum natural daylight penetration, creating the most optimal healing environment. The building has achieved the target of 45% reduction in energy consumption, which is an aspect that will certainly be regarded with interest by the judges.
The architects of each shortlisted building will be presenting their work to juries and audiences at the festival in October. Lord Norman Foster will head the festivals’ panel of judges that will include Will Alsop, Francine Houben and Richard Meier.
More information at the World Architecture Festival web site: http://www.worldarchitecturefestival.com/